Major Grom: the Plague Doctor movie presentation at Comic Con Russia 2019
Here comes the Grom!
On the 5th of October BUBBLE Comics and BUBBLE Studios division gave the grand presentation of the upcoming movie Major Grom: the Plague Doctor - right at the stage of Comic Con Russia 2019.
The short film about the brave detective stirred the public back in 2017, and then came the teaser with the paper airplanes which fueled the interest even more, so people were not hiding their impatience while waiting for the news. Finally, at Comic Con 2019 we were ready to reveal almost all of out secrets.
The role of the main character, the brave detective Igor Grom, will be played by an actor of Alexandrinsky theatre Tihon Zhiznevsky. Yandex.Studio and Kinopoisk HD became official partners of the movie, and Yandex will also be given an exclusive right for the movie's online screening in the Russian Internet sector. According to Olga Filipuk, Yandex.Studio CEO, this movie has every chance to start a comic movie universe of our own, equal to the foreign ones.
We chose our cast very carefully, and I believe that we found some really fresh and interesting faces. I want to believe that when this movie comes out, our viewers will find their new favorite artists.
Oleg Trofim, Director
The role of major Grom's chief, colonel Fedor Prokopenko, will be played by a Honored Artist of Russia Alexey Maklakov, and Dima Dubin, Igor's naive, but dedicated to the common cause partner will be portrayed by a young actor Alexander Seteykin. Main female role of charming journalist and blogger Yulia Pchelkina was given to Lubov Askenova.
Sergey Goroshko will be the one to play the founder of Together social network, philanthropist, and patron of arts Sergey Razumovsky. Dmitry Chebotarev will play Oleg Volkov, Razumovsky's childhood friend and bodyguard.
We completely changed the script of the movie and conducted a total recast - I won't tell you the reasons, I'll just say that I have never been so sure about this project's success as I am right now. A lot of things changed since the movie was first announced back in 2017, but our desire to make a really good movie and give people something to remember remains the same. And Tihon fits the main role of this movie like a glove.
Artem Gabrelyanov, producer
We didn't reveal one of the main secrets — the actor that's going to play the Plague Doctor, the mortal enemy of Igor Grom, the most mysterious and enigmatic serial killer proclaiming himself the one to save the city from the plague of lawlessness, remains unnamed.
Even if you are familiar with the original major Grom story from the comics, trust me, you're in for a big surprise. We were actively reworking the movie script for quite some time and we ended up changing almost everything, including the Plague Doctor's identity. This movie is a complete new story with bright and charismatic characters, and we hope that it will pleasantly surprise even the most loyal of BUBBLE Comics fans.
Roman Kotkov, creaitve producer
Oh, that's right, we have one more secret to keep: the date. We aren't telling you that. But we'll tell you that we're filming in Saint Petersburg, Igor Grom's home city, of course!